Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Heading West
[For some more ways of setting manual exposure, go here.]
Photo: Black and white film. From my Trainspotting Set on Flickr.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Knotted Up Inside
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Remembering Where I've Been
** I was able to get my dozen prints to Shots Magazine in time for their Feb. 1 deadline. I just received confirmation for USPS. I also ordered their self-portraits issue just because I really believe in this magazine. It's amazing seeing a magazie filed with photos rather than pages and pages of ads for things I cannot afford and/or do not need. Pick up an issue if you get the chance.
** I learned that I really enjoy shooting images of food. I've had such a love/hate relationship with food up until recently (I was heading into anorexia around the time I met my to-be husband) . But now I see that loving food is fine if you eat right and enjoy it and are thankful for what it does for the body rather than engorging oneself. Nothing wrong with that.
** I submitted a photo for a Jones Cola label. Pretty neat if you ask me.
** I have plans for a mini photo shoot. Nothing fancy, but I plan on shooting of a roll black and white along the railroad tracks behind our neighboor hood.
And that's about that. I am sure there were other things along the way, but I rather just keep those thoughts blurry and filed away.
Photo: Film, 35mm, shot with a FUJICA using manual exposure. More film images here.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Sometimes It Is
I guess my point is that I am grateful to be able to function (or 'not function' [i.e. sleep]) when I need to.
I am thankful for the things that most people in traditional living situations probably take for granted every day.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Cold Feet or Not, I am Diving In
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Photo: Digital.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Cold Feet
Photo: self-portrait, film.
Photo: Film, Logan watching TeleTubbies at our old apartment.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Moving Day, No Longer Boxed
Logan had a very rough night the first night sleeping here-- he really wanted to just "go home" to our old apartment in spite of his WOWs about moving here. Last night was better. I think mostly because he got up at 6 AM Saturday morning and stayed up 11 hours straight and conked out around 6 PM. He woke up this morning at 7:00ish. So if he refuses to nap today, at least he won't be a blubbering sap of a boy. He's been in and out of his room all morning playing with his toys in direct contrast of him screaming every time he tried to go in there (he's stubborn), and so I really think today will be better than yesterday.
All of our stuff is pretty much moved in. I just have about three or so very small boxes to unpack, and I might just leave them unpacked for a while. But it's pretty nice being here. It's odd to wake up in the morning and turn on some classical music, drink some coffee, and eat a slice a toast without the kids waking up. Our old situation consisted of Logan sleeping in the living room and the bathroom being right across from Molly's room, and so as soon as Chris opened our old bedroom door -- the very second -- Logan would start screaming and Molly would wake before she was completely rested. And so with the screaming and the soggy wet Pull-Up and me pre-coffee and Molly wanting in the bathroom and Chris showering and me staggering with a sinus headache trying to tend to two small children -- changing diapers, getting sippy cups, toast, and putting on coffee and all the while Chris trying to get ready and I still having to pee super bad, life was, quite frankly, hellish, but we managed like that for nearly a year-and-half.
But now... but now, I wake to peace and calm and coffee and toast and a hot shower all before the kids even get up. And Molly woke up first with a kiss and hug, and I could be 100% there to help her with a smile rather than a groaning and moaning grumble. It was nice this morning, and I am thankful that the Universe worked things out for us. Life is good, and I am grateful.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Maybe, Baby
Photo: Digital.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Plug: Shots Magazine
Their next issue is devoted to portraits. I plan on submitting a dozen images (I will probably pick a dozen from my 365 Days Set), but first I have to figure out if portraits must include one's face.
Edit: Here's the definition I found (I love my dictionary):
- A likeness of a person, especially one showing the face, that is created by a painter or photographer, for example.
- A verbal picture or description, especially of a person.
Photo Credit: Shots Magazine; cover photograph: ERICA SHIRES
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Blurry Bath Time Babies
Photo: Blurry bath time babies. Film.
Photo: Digital image.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Don't Know Why, Just Do
I sold another print today (I sold one yesterday, too), and it's the exact encouragement I needed. I've also discovered there is a local photography lab right here in town (I guess Dorothy was right; everything we need really is just in our own backyard). Here's to hoping they develop 120 film, too, because I would love to be able to afford to shoot more Holga. I've also got a couple of ideas lined up of things to go out and shoot, it's just a matter of setting aside some time to. We are moving this weekend, and everyone knows that moving is kind of hectic and stuff, but I also know that I work well under pressure, and so I know it will be just fine. I have my own bathroom (well, Chris, my husband and I do), and I have this hope of learning how to develop my own negatives and possibly learn how to prints some prints. But one step at a time -- Rome was not built in a day, like they say (whoever they are. Who are they anyways?).
Photo: Hidden.
Contacts, Schmontacts
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Winter's Berries
Photo: Winter's berries available at my Etsy shop.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Self-Portrait in Bathroom Mirror
Photo: From roll #3, self-portrait in bathroom mirror.