I sold another print today (I sold one yesterday, too), and it's the exact encouragement I needed. I've also discovered there is a local photography lab right here in town (I guess Dorothy was right; everything we need really is just in our own backyard). Here's to hoping they develop 120 film, too, because I would love to be able to afford to shoot more Holga. I've also got a couple of ideas lined up of things to go out and shoot, it's just a matter of setting aside some time to. We are moving this weekend, and everyone knows that moving is kind of hectic and stuff, but I also know that I work well under pressure, and so I know it will be just fine. I have my own bathroom (well, Chris, my husband and I do), and I have this hope of learning how to develop my own negatives and possibly learn how to prints some prints. But one step at a time -- Rome was not built in a day, like they say (whoever they are. Who are they anyways?).
Photo: Hidden.
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