This is the year I practice/learn how to shoot film. Film photography -- to me -- is very Zen. I slow down. I think about what I am doing -- what I want, what my purpose is, set the dials, take a breath and shoot. Then I wait. Sometimes an hour, sometimes a few days, sometimes nearly a week while waiting to finish up a roll. Then I look and it brings me a lot of happiness looking at tangible prints in my hands. Sound kind of weird, but it feels more real to me and solid even though I am just looking at images of something that have already passed. Not to mention no post processing. I got so used to altering reality (zapping out a zit here, erasing something that looked weird there), but for now, I just want to focus on reality and on here and now. Film does that for me. So, yeah, that's about it.
Photo: From roll #3, self-portrait in bathroom mirror.