Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Logan has adjusted to being in our new home. I almost typed "finally" before that adjusted, but I stopped myself because three days to adjust seems more like a short while than a long while. The first night here, he was pretty much scared to go to sleep -- or maybe too excited -- but the second night, he was plain old stubborn (I think he gets that from his dad, or maybe from his mom, but probably from the both of us) and I sat with him and sang and talked to him while he "screamed it out." I was there, and so I know he wasn't so much scared as stubborn. Finally, I said, "Look, Logan, this is your bye-bye bed; this is your room; Mommy is here. You are tired. Go to sleep, butthead." And I left the room and shut the door. He yelled for about another 7.27 minutes, and I am guessing fell asleep. He slept for 14 hours. The next day, he seemed better and he even napped after crying for about 5.24 minutes. And last night, he went to bed without a peep. I am relieved. He's adjusted and in record time which leads me to believe he is a healthy, well-adjusted little guy.

Photo: Film, Logan watching TeleTubbies at our old apartment.

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