Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Plug: Shots Magazine

A dear friend emailed me this morning with a call from Shots Magazine, "a quarterly, reader-supported journal of photography. Shots is characterized by its diverse, straightforward and bold presentation of images by photographers of all levels with an innate passion for creative, personal work."

Their next issue is devoted to portraits. I plan on submitting a dozen images (I will probably pick a dozen from my 365 Days Set), but first I have to figure out if portraits must include one's face.

Edit: Here's the definition I found (I love my dictionary):
  1. A likeness of a person, especially one showing the face, that is created by a painter or photographer, for example.
  2. A verbal picture or description, especially of a person.
That clears things up. This is going to be tremendously difficult picking out 12 portraits I like best that' I've taken.

Photo Credit: Shots Magazine; cover photograph: ERICA SHIRES

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet your going to be picked for the magazine!! Wicked that your friend found where you could submit your photographs! I look forward to hearing that they are going to publish you!