Monday, January 14, 2008

Moving Day, No Longer Boxed

We moved on Saturday, and in spite of reserving a truck with Budget Rental 72-hours in advance, and them not having it when we went to pick it up, we were able to move about 90% of our stuff on Saturday. We ended up going to a Uhaul and they had oe etruck left (and not to mention they had perfect customer service). A good family friend of our also unexpectedly showed up and helped us move our sofa and chair and entertainment center (the heaviest of our stuff), and so all-in-all things went smoothly.

Logan had a very rough night the first night sleeping here-- he really wanted to just "go home" to our old apartment in spite of his WOWs about moving here. Last night was better. I think mostly because he got up at 6 AM Saturday morning and stayed up 11 hours straight and conked out around 6 PM. He woke up this morning at 7:00ish. So if he refuses to nap today, at least he won't be a blubbering sap of a boy. He's been in and out of his room all morning playing with his toys in direct contrast of him screaming every time he tried to go in there (he's stubborn), and so I really think today will be better than yesterday.

All of our stuff is pretty much moved in. I just have about three or so very small boxes to unpack, and I might just leave them unpacked for a while. But it's pretty nice being here. It's odd to wake up in the morning and turn on some classical music, drink some coffee, and eat a slice a toast without the kids waking up. Our old situation consisted of Logan sleeping in the living room and the bathroom being right across from Molly's room, and so as soon as Chris opened our old bedroom door -- the very second -- Logan would start screaming and Molly would wake before she was completely rested. And so with the screaming and the soggy wet Pull-Up and me pre-coffee and Molly wanting in the bathroom and Chris showering and me staggering with a sinus headache trying to tend to two small children -- changing diapers, getting sippy cups, toast, and putting on coffee and all the while Chris trying to get ready and I still having to pee super bad, life was, quite frankly, hellish, but we managed like that for nearly a year-and-half.

But now... but now, I wake to peace and calm and coffee and toast and a hot shower all before the kids even get up. And Molly woke up first with a kiss and hug, and I could be 100% there to help her with a smile rather than a groaning and moaning grumble. It was nice this morning, and I am thankful that the Universe worked things out for us. Life is good, and I am grateful.


Anonymous said...

Good to know you're all settled and things are comfortable. Nothing like a little extra space to stretch out in!

Anonymous said...

Ooh that's wonderful! I'm glad that with the extra space, everyone is feeling a bit more relaxed and is able to get back to a bit of normalcy that you were all craving in different ways beforehand! Glad too that the move went pretty smoothly and that a bit of extra hands were there to help out! Great shot by the way!